Investing in a HEART filled self
Wendy offers 1:1 Therapy, Coaching, Workshops and Courses for Individuals wishing to rebuild a sense of self, overcome challenges in relationships, build self confidence and overcome legacy issues with the Herd at the Heart Centre.
A great introduction to Wendy's work with the Horses is to join us for one of the Taster Mornings. Or you can join for a Workshop that focuses on a specific topic.
Subscribe below to keep an eye out for the dates of the various workshops:
Or you can join the next Foundation Course intake, to work with a like minded group of individual and experience life changing weekend workshops. The Heart Foundation Course also provides the platform for all Professional Courses for working from the Heart.
Heart Foundation Course
Gain clarity in your own communication skills, learn how to deal with conflict compassionately or just increase your authenticity, this course supports you completely and gives you the foundation to facilitate others in transforming their life, especially with horses.
12 modules over 6 months